Act of War Wiki

This is Optical Camo!
- Optical Camo soldier
DA Portrait OpticalCamoSoldier

The Optical Camo soldier is the Consortium's stealth infantry unit available once revealed status to acquired and a stealth armor lab is built.[1]


The optical camo soldier serves as the elite infantry for the Consortium. They come with stealth capabilities, allowing them to launch devastating attacks against foes without stealth detection, though their stealth capability is temporarily disabled when attacking. However, they do plenty of damage with their guns and can hold their own against Delta Force, even though they can detect them. They also make for good escorts for Akula tanks, mainly to protect them from enemy infantry and helicopters.

Uniforms of the soldier recalls the Soviet special forces in Afghanistan, but the equipment is modern.



  1. Eugen Systems, Atari, Act of War: Direct Action. March 15, 2005.

See also
